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Plants respond to warming temperatures by emitting vapors that help reflect sunlight, a team of scientists have discovered.
By Eoin O'Carroll,?Staff / April 29, 2013
An aerial view of Tongass National Forest near Ketchikan, Alaska. Tongass is the largest national forest in the United States.
Melanie Stetson Freeman / The Christian Science Monitor / File
EnlargeIt's well known that plants can help mitigate global warming, by absorbing carbon dioxide and trapping it, via photosynthesis, in things like leaves, stalks, and branches.
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But it turns out that plants help cool the planet in another way, by releasing tiny particles into the atmosphere that help reflect sunlight back into space.?
Yes, it's true: Plants pass gas. A new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience found that vapors emitted by plants scatter and absorb radiation from the sun, and that they help form cloud droplets that also reflect the sun's rays.?
"Everyone knows the scent of the forest," said study co-author Ari Asmi, in a press release from the University of Helsinki. "That scent is made up of these gases." ?
The scientists measured concentrations plant vapors and other aerosols at 11 different sites around the globe ? seven in Europe, two in North America, and the others in Siberia and South Africa ? and recorded the temperature. They found that, as temperatures increased, the plants emitted more vapors, effectively responding to the warming by increasing the cooling effect.
So does that mean we are good then? Do the global cooling emissions from plants offset the global warming emissions coming from a Chevy Camaro's tailpipe?
Not quite. The scientists found that the effect of the increased plant emissions counters only about 1 percent of global warming. ?This does not save us from climate warming,? said study co-author?Pauli Paasonen, in the press release.?
But the plant gasses still might cool things for you locally, especially if you live in a rural, forested area. The study found that, in places where there is little man-made soot in the air, the effect could counteract up to 30 percent of warming.
And this discovery has the potential to improve our understanding of how and why our climate is changing. Aerosols, that is, tiny solid or liquid particles that hang in the air, are one of the least understood aspects of our atmosphere. ?"Understanding this mechanism could help us reduce those uncertainties and make the models better,? said Paasonen.
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Sounds like you read the Forbes article [] and are just repeating what they said.
Especially fun is that the Rats that they fed the fucking roundup pesticide live longer than any of the other rats.
Just because they didn't get cancer from drinking the pesticide doesn't mean the pesticide-resistant GMO crops are safe.
And that's really the problem with GMO, testing sucks. There are very few, if any, meaningful and rigorous tests. Lots of short term test and tons of grandfathering in genes because they came from other organisms where they were not a problem. But when it comes to comprehensive testing that could reassure the general population of the safety of GMO crops, there just isn't any.
Given the history we have with things like thalidomide, DDT, leaded gasoline, fen-phen, etc it is not unreasonable that people be genuinely concerned about GMO crops, especially given how widespread they've become with such little public notice. Dismissing those concerns as the equivalent of creation science is at least as bad as creationism itself because it is just another misplaced faith.
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? One of the architects of failed gun control legislation says he's bringing it back.
Sen. Joe Manchin on Sunday said he would re-introduce a measure that would require criminal and mental health background checks for gun buyers at shows and online. The West Virginia Democrat says that if lawmakers read the bill, they will support it.
Manchin sponsored a previous version of the measure with Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. It failed.
Manchin says there was confusion over what was in the bill.
In the wake of last year's school shooting in Newtown, Conn., Congress took up gun control legislation, but it was blocked by supporters of the powerful pro-gun lobby, the National Rifle Association.
Manchin appeared on "Fox News Sunday."
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Apr. 29, 2013 ? University of North Carolina researchers have discovered that disrupting a gene that acts as a regulatory switch to turn on other genes can keep blood vessels from forming and developing properly.
Further study of this gene -- a "transcription factor" called CASZ1 -- may uncover a regulatory network that influences the development of cardiovascular disease. A number of other studies have already shown a genetic link between mutations in CASZ1 and hypertension.
The UNC research, which was carried out in a frog model as well as human cells, will be published April 29, 2013, in the journal Developmental Cell.
"There has been a lot of interest in studying the vasculature because of its role in a wide range of disease states, as well as human development. But there are very few transcription factors that are known to affect the vasculature. To find a new one is quite unique, and then to be able to link it up to a known network of vascular development is surprising and encouraging," said senior study author Frank Conlon, PhD, an associate professor of genetics in the UNC School of Medicine.
During vascular development, specialized cells coalesce into three-dimensional "cords" that then hollow out to provide a path for transporting blood throughout the body. This process involves the complex coordination of molecular entities like growth factors and signaling molecules, defects that have been associated with human illnesses such as cancer, stroke, and atherosclerosis.
Conlon has long been interested in understanding how these various molecular players come together in the cardiovascular system. In 2008, his laboratory showed that a gene called CASZ1 is involved in the development of heart muscle. In this study, he and his colleagues decided to look for its role in the development of blood vessels.
Marta S. Charpentier and Kathleen S. Christine, lead authors of the study and graduate students in Conlon's laboratory, removed CASZ1 from frog embryos and looked to see how its absence affected the development of the vasculature. Without CASZ1, the frogs failed to form branched and functional blood vessels. When they removed the CASZ1 gene from cultured human cells, Charpentier and Christine saw similar defects: the cells did not sprout or branch correctly due to their inability to maintain proper adhesions with the surrounding extracellular matrix.
"If you take out CASZ1, these cultured human cells try to migrate by sending out these filopodia or little feet, but what happens is it is like someone nails down the back end of those growing vessels. They try to move and keep getting thinner and thinner, and like an elastic band it gets to be too much and just snaps back. It appears to cause an adhesion defect that makes the cells too sticky to form normal vessels," said Conlon.
CASZ1 is a transcription factor, a master switch that controls when and where other genes are expressed. Therefore, Charpentier and Christine did a series of experiments to explore CASZ1's influence on a known vascular network, involving other genes called Egfl7 and RhoA. When Charpentier and Christine added the Egfl7 gene to her CASZ1-depleted cells, the defect in blood vessel formation went away, suggesting that the two genes are connected. They then showed that CASZ1 directly acts on the Egfl7 gene, and that this activity in turn activates the RhoA gene, which is known to be required for cellular behaviors associated with adhesion and migration.
Transcription factors themselves are so essential that they are generally considered to be "undruggable," but the researchers say that further studies into how specific transcription factors work and the targets they control could eventually lead to new drug candidates.
"Egfl7 is a therapeutic target of interest, because companies such as Genentech are already working on it for cancer therapy," said Charpentier. "Figuring out how it is regulated is important not just for understanding the biology of it, but also for discovering targets that could trigger the development of innovative therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular disease."
The research was a collaboration between the Conlon, Taylor, and Bautch labs at the McAllister Heart Institute at UNC and was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association. Study co-authors from UNC were Nirav M. Amin, PhD; Kerry M. Dorr; Erich J. Kushner, PhD; Victoria L. Bautch, PhD; and Joan M. Taylor, PhD.
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KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban in Afghanistan vowed on Saturday to start a new campaign of mass suicide attacks on foreign military bases and diplomatic areas, as well as damaging "insider attacks", as part of a new spring offensive this year.
The offensive was announced via emails from Taliban spokesmen. The Islamist group has made similar announcements in recent years, which have sometimes been followed by spikes in violence after Afghanistan's harsh winter months.
The announcement of more mass suicide and insider attacks will likely be greeted with concern by the NATO-led military coalition, which is in the final stages of a fight against the Taliban-led insurgency that began in late 2001.
However, there was no immediate reaction to the Taliban's statement from the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).
After announcing their spring offensive last year, the Taliban launched a large attack in Kabul involving suicide bombers and an 18-hour firefight targeting Western embassies, ISAF headquarters and the Afghan parliament.
The start of the traditional "fighting season" is particularly important this year, with ISAF increasing the rate at which it hands security responsibility to Afghan forces before the withdrawal of most foreign troops by the end of 2014.
The Taliban statement said this year's offensive, named after Khalid bin Waleed, one of the companions of the Islamic prophet Mohammad, will involve "special military tactics" similar to those carried out previously.
"Collective martyrdom operations on bases of foreign invaders, their diplomatic centers and military airbases will be even further structured while every possible tactic will be utilized in order to detain or inflict heavy casualties on the foreign transgressors," the statement said.
Insider attacks, also known as "green on blue" attacks, involve Afghan police or soldiers turning their guns on their ISAF trainers and counterparts. They have grown considerably since last year and have strained relations between Kabul and foreign forces.
However, there is considerable debate over how many can be attributed to infiltration by insurgents and how many are by disgruntled members of the Afghan security forces.
Last August, then ISAF commander, U.S. General John Allen, said about a quarter of such attacks involved the Taliban.
The spring offensive was coordinated to begin on May 28 - or the 8th of the Islamic month of Thaur - to coincide with a national holiday to mark the overthrow of the Soviet-backed government of Mohammad Najibullah in 1992, the statement said.
(Reporting by Dylan Welch and Mirwais Harooni; Editing by Paul Tait)
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? Russian authorities secretly recorded a telephone conversation in 2011 in which one of the Boston bombing suspects vaguely discussed jihad with his mother, officials said Saturday, days after the U.S. government finally received details about the call.
In another conversation, the mother of now-dead bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was recorded talking to someone in southern Russia who is under FBI investigation in an unrelated case, officials said.
The conversations are significant because, had they been revealed earlier, they might have been enough evidence for the FBI to initiate a more thorough investigation of the Tsarnaev family.
As it was, Russian authorities told the FBI only that they had concerns that Tamerlan and his mother were religious extremists. With no additional information, the FBI conducted a limited inquiry and closed the case in June 2011.
Two years later, authorities say Tamerlan and his brother, Dzhohkar, detonated two homemade bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring more than 260. Tamerlan was killed in a police shootout and Dzhohkar is under arrest.
In the past week, Russian authorities turned over to the United States information it had on Tamerlan and his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva. The Tsarnaevs are ethnic Chechens who emigrated from southern Russia to the Boston area over the past 11 years.
Even had the FBI received the information from the Russian wiretaps earlier, it's not clear that the government could have prevented the attack.
In early 2011, the Russian FSB internal security service intercepted a conversation between Tamerlan and his mother vaguely discussing jihad, according to U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation with reporters.
The two discussed the possibility of Tamerlan going to Palestine, but he told his mother he didn't speak the language there, according to the officials, who reviewed the information Russia shared with the U.S.
In a second call, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva spoke with a man in the Caucasus region of Russia who was under FBI investigation. Jacqueline Maguire, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Washington Field Office, where that investigation was based, declined to comment.
There was no information in the conversation that suggested a plot inside the United States, officials said.
It was not immediately clear why Russian authorities didn't share more information at the time. It is not unusual for countries, including the U.S., to be cagey with foreign authorities about what intelligence is being collected.
The FSB said Sunday that it would not comment.
Jim Treacy, the FBI's legal attache in Moscow between 2007 and 2009, said the Russians long asked for U.S. assistance regarding Chechen activity in the United States that might be related to terrorism.
"On any given day, you can get some very good cooperation," Treacy said. "The next you might find yourself totally shut out."
Zubeidat Tsarnaeva has denied that she or her sons were involved in terrorism. She has said she believed her sons have been framed by U.S. authorities.
But Ruslan Tsarni, an uncle of the Tsarnaev brothers and Zubeidat's former brother-in-law, said Saturday he believes the mother had a "big-time influence" as her older son increasingly embraced his Muslim faith and decided to quit boxing and school.
After receiving the narrow tip from Russia in March 2011, the FBI opened a preliminary investigation into Tamerlan and his mother. But the scope was extremely limited under the FBI's internal procedures.
After a few months, they found no evidence Tamerlan or his mother were involved in terrorism.
The FBI asked Russia for more information. After hearing nothing, it closed the case in June 2011.
In the fall of 2011, the FSB contacted the CIA with the same information. Again the FBI asked Russia for more details and never heard back.
At that time, however, the CIA asked that Tamerlan's and his mother's name be entered into a massive U.S. terrorism database.
The CIA declined to comment Saturday.
Authorities have said they've seen no connection between the brothers and a foreign terrorist group. Dzhohkar told FBI interrogators that he and his brother were angry over wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the deaths of Muslim civilians there.
Family members have said Tamerlan was religiously apathetic until 2008 or 2009, when he met a conservative Muslim convert known only to the family as Misha. Misha, they said, steered Tamerlan toward a stricter version of Islam.
Two U.S. officials say investigators believe they have identified Misha. While it was not clear whether the FBI had spoken to him, the officials said they have not found a connection between Misha and the Boston attack or terrorism in general.
Associated Press writer Adam Goldman in Washington and Michael Kunzelman in Boston contributed to this report.
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Better start working on those powerball exercises. At least if Samsung's Galaxy Mega was the thing you thought your life was missing, as it's just landed at the FCC. Yeah, we know this isn't the first time, but on second time around it's the LTE-sporting AT&T-friendly GT-i9205 model. The usual lab tests show little that we didn't know already -- unless you didn't know it had LTE Band 5, dual band WiFi, NFC or GSM 850 / 1900. As the 5.8-inch isn't 4G-enabled, this means we're looking at the bigger 6.3-inch version, but still no word on if, when or how this might land on US shores. Still no harm in limbering up though, is there?
Update: Upon further inspection, this variant only uses LTE band 5 (850mhz), which no us carrier currently uses. It's very unlikely this I9205 will hit the US.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Samsung
Source: FCC
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FILE - In this Tuesday April 23, 2013 file photo, Kenneth Feinberg, an attorney who managed the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, speaks at a news conference in Boston, as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick listens at right. Feinberg will design and be administrator of a new fund to help people affected by the Boston Marathon bombing. Patrick and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino say the One Fund Boston is intended as a central place to gather donations for the Boston Marathon bombing victims. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, File)
FILE - In this Tuesday April 23, 2013 file photo, Kenneth Feinberg, an attorney who managed the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, speaks at a news conference in Boston, as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick listens at right. Feinberg will design and be administrator of a new fund to help people affected by the Boston Marathon bombing. Patrick and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino say the One Fund Boston is intended as a central place to gather donations for the Boston Marathon bombing victims. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, File)
BOSTON (AP) ? His work has immersed him in events that read like a roster of recent catastrophes, from 9/11 to the Gulf oil spill. Now, Kenneth Feinberg is adding the Boston Marathon bombings to that list.
The Massachusetts native and attorney is managing the payouts from The One Fund, which was established to help victims of the explosions that killed three and injured 260.
Feinberg is experienced dealing with people facing profound loss, but he doesn't seek the work.
"I must tell you every time I do one, you say to yourself, 'God I hope this is the last one," he said.
Feinberg handled victims' compensation after 9/11, the BP oil spill, the Virginia Tech shootings and the Colorado movie theater shootings, among other calamities.
He's now advising a panel distributing money after the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn., and mediating Penn State's settlement discussions with the sex abuse victims of former football coach Jerry Sandusky.
The experiences are wrenching, he said. And recipients invariably resent him, thinking he's trying to put a price on the priceless things they've lost.
"Don't expect thanks or appreciation or gratitude, none of that," Feinberg said. "We have very emotional victims and you're offering them money instead of a limb, instead of the return of a family member. This is a no-win situation."
He keeps saying yes in the same spirit of those who donate, he said.
"Look at the amount of money that pours in from private people, private citizens," he said. "How do you say no if the governor calls, the mayor?"
The 67-year-old Feinberg is a native of Brockton, about 20 miles south of Boston, and his Washington D.C. firm specializes in mediation and dispute resolution. In 1984, a judge appointed him to distribute money from a $180 million settlement for veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange. His work on that project got notice from President George W. Bush's administration, which asked him to manage the 9/11 victims' compensation fund.
Since then, the calls have come regularly.
Most of his work is pro bono, including the Boston Marathon job. But Feinberg is being paid for the Penn State job and was paid by BP after the oil spill ? a job that saw Feinberg absorb significant abuse. In his 2012 book, "Who Gets What," he said he became a "human pinata." Residents complained about the speed and distribution of the payouts, and insults flew at public meetings. "You are such a lying piece of (garbage)," one person told him.
Lawyers, meanwhile, scoffed at his vigorous declarations of independence from BP, which he still makes.
"The spin was that he was independent, but he was working for BP, that's just the way it is," said attorney Anthony Tarricone, now of the Boston firm Kreindler & Kreindler, who represented both BP and 9/11 families.
But Tarricone called Feinberg the perfect person to manage the Boston fund, citing both his legal skills and his respectful manner with the 9/11 families.
"He was fair, he listened to the families, the families felt as if they were being listened to, and that he was understanding what they were going through," Tarricone said.
Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, who appointed Feinberg to handle the 9/11 fund, said Feinberg balances compassion with vigilance in managing the money.
"I can't say exactly how he handles it emotionally and psychologically. I just know that he does it professionally," Ashcroft said. "I don't think the world would keep going back, knocking on his door, saying, 'Ken, we need you again,' if they were displeased."
The One Fund had notched more than $26 million by Saturday. Its eventual total will determine exactly who can be helped. For instance, compensation for deaths is the top priority, followed by compensation for physical injuries. Payment for psychological damages comes only if there's money left, Feinberg said.
In Boston, Feinberg will be dealing with complex injuries, such as numerous amputations, including cases where victims lost both legs. Feinberg hopes to be ready to meet with families by June 15 and get checks out by June 30.
By then, he'll have immersed himself in Boston's stories, and all the senseless pain and loss. The classical music aficionado will also likely have relied on the refuge offered in the music of composers he cherishes.
"During the day, I'm working on a project that shows you how uncivilized some people can be and how they willy-nilly, at random, kill and maim people," he said. "And at night you turn on Mozart, and it's the height of civilization."
It helps him recognize, he said, "that mankind isn't all bad."
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A Bangladeshi soldier gestures as a rescue worker uses a flashlight to walk across the rubble at the site of a building that collapsed Wednesday in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, April 26, 2013. By Friday, the death toll reached at least 270 people as rescuers continued to search for injured and missing, after a huge section of an eight-story building that housed several garment factories splintered into a pile of concrete.(AP Photo/Kevin Frayer)
A Bangladeshi soldier gestures as a rescue worker uses a flashlight to walk across the rubble at the site of a building that collapsed Wednesday in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, April 26, 2013. By Friday, the death toll reached at least 270 people as rescuers continued to search for injured and missing, after a huge section of an eight-story building that housed several garment factories splintered into a pile of concrete.(AP Photo/Kevin Frayer)
Bangladeshi relatives of missing workers react as they wait at the site of a building that collapsed Wednesday in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, April 26, 2013. By Friday, the death toll reached at least 270 people as rescuers continued to search for injured and missing, after a huge section of an eight-story building that housed several garment factories splintered into a pile of concrete.(AP Photo/Kevin Frayer)
A Bangladeshi garment worker who was pulled alive from the rubble is carried at the site of a building that collapsed Wednesday in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, April 26, 2013. Crews bored deeper Friday into the wreckage of a garment-factory building that collapsed two days earlier, hoping for miracle rescues that would prevent the death toll from rising much higher, as angry relatives of the missing clashed with police. (AP Photo/Kevin Frayer)
Bangladeshi soldiers stand in the rubble at the site of a building that collapsed Wednesday in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, April 26, 2013. By Friday, the death toll reached at least 270 people as rescuers continued to search for injured and missing, after a huge section of an eight-story building that housed several garment factories splintered into a pile of concrete. (AP Photo/Kevin Frayer)
A Bangladeshi garment worker who was pulled alive from the rubble is wheeled on a stretcher at the site of a building that collapsed Wednesday in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, April 26, 2013. The death toll reached hundreds of people as rescuers continued to search for injured and missing, after a huge section of an eight-story building that housed several garment factories splintered into a pile of concrete.(AP Photo/Kevin Frayer)
SAVAR, Bangladesh (AP) ? With time running out to save workers still trapped in a collapsed garment factory building, rescuers dug through mangled metal and concrete Friday, finding more corpses that pushed the death toll past 300.
Wailing, angry relatives fought with police who held them back from the wrecked, eight-story Rana Plaza building, as rescue operations went on more than two days after the structure crumbled.
Amid the cries for help and the smell of decaying bodies, the rescue of 18-year-old Mussamat Anna came at a high cost: Emergency crews cut off the garment worker's mangled right hand to pull her free from the debris Thursday night.
"First a machine fell over my hand, and I was crushed under the debris. ... Then the roof collapsed over me," she told an Associated Press cameraman from a hospital bed Friday.
The search will continue into Saturday, officials said, with crews cautiously using hammers, shovels and their bare hands. Many of the trapped workers were so badly hurt and weakened that they needed to be removed within a few hours, the rescuers said.
There were fears that survivors could be badly dehydrated in stifling humidity and temperatures reaching 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) in the daytime and about 24 degrees Celsius (75 degrees Fahrenheit) overnight.
Hundreds of rescuers crawled through the rubble amid the cries of the trapped and the wails of workers' relatives gathered outside the building, which housed numerous garment factories and a handful of other companies.
Brig. Gen. Mohammed Siddiqul Alam Shikder, who is overseeing rescue operations, said 2,200 people have been pulled out alive. A garment manufacturers' group said the factories in the building employed 3,122 workers, but it was not clear how many were inside it when it collapsed Wednesday in Savar, a suburb of Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka.
Military spokesman Shahin Islam told reporters that 304 bodies had been recovered so far.
An AP cameraman who accompanied a rescue crew Thursday heard the anguished cries for help from two men ? one half-buried under a slab beside two corpses, the other entombed deep inside the rubble. Neither could be pulled out, and both are presumed dead, rescuers said.
Maj. Gen. Chowdhury Hasan Suhrawardy told reporters that search-and-rescue operations would continue until at least Saturday, because "we know a human being can survive for up to 72 hours in this situation."
Forty people had been trapped on the fourth floor of the building until rescuers reached them Thursday evening. Twelve were soon freed, and crews worked to get the rest out safely, Shikder said. Crowds burst into applause as survivors were brought out.
Police cordoned off the site, pushing back thousands of bystanders and relatives after rescue workers complained the crowds were hampering their work.
Clashes broke out between the relatives and police, who used batons to disperse them. Police said 50 people were injured in the skirmishes.
"We want to go inside the building and find our people now. They will die if we don't find them soon," said Shahinur Rahman, whose mother was missing.
Thousands of workers from the hundreds of garment factories across the Savar industrial zone and other nearby areas marched elsewhere to protest the poor safety standards in Bangladesh. Local news reports said demonstrators smashed dozens of cars Friday, although most of the protests were largely peaceful.
Police say cracks in the Rana Plaza had led them to order an evacuation Tuesday, but the factories ignored the order and were operating when the building collapsed the next day. Video before the collapse shows cracks in walls, with apparent attempts at repair. It also shows columns missing chunks of concrete and police talking to building operators.
Officials said soon after the collapse that numerous construction regulations had been violated.
Abdul Halim, an official with Savar's engineering department, said the owner of Rana Plaza was allowed to erect a five-story building but had added another three stories illegally.
Mahbubul Haque Shakil, a spokesman for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, said she had ordered police to arrest the building's owner as well as the owners of the garment factories in "the shortest possible time."
Police chief Mohammed Asaduzzaman said police and the government's Capital Development Authority have filed negligence cases against the building owner, identified as Mohammed Sohel Rana.
Habibur Rahman, police superintendent of Dhaka district, said Rana was a local leader of ruling Awami League's youth front. Rahman said police were also looking for the owners of the garment factories.
Two of Rana's relatives were detained for questioning, police officer Mohammad Kawser said.
The disaster is the worst ever for the country's booming and powerful garment industry, surpassing a fire five months ago that killed 112 people and brought widespread pledges to improve worker-safety standards. Since then, very little has changed in Bangladesh, where low wages have made it a magnet for numerous global brands.
Bangladesh's garment industry was the third-largest in the world in 2011, after China and Italy, having grown rapidly in the past decade. The country's minimum wage is now the equivalent of about $38 a month.
Among the garment makers in the building were Phantom Apparels, Phantom Tac, Ether Tex, New Wave Style and New Wave Bottoms. Altogether, they produced several million shirts, pants and other garments a year.
The New Wave companies, according to their website, make clothing for several major North American and European retailers.
Britain's Primark acknowledged it was using a factory in Rana Plaza, but many other retailers distanced themselves from the disaster, saying they were not involved with the factories at the time of the collapse or had not recently ordered garments from them.
Wal-Mart said none of its clothing had been authorized to be made in the facility, but it is investigating whether there was any unauthorized production.
U.S. State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said the collapse underscored the urgency for Bangladesh's government, as well as the factory owners, buyers and labor groups, to improve working conditions in the country.
Human Rights Watch says Bangladesh's Ministry of Labor has only 18 inspectors to monitor thousands of garment factories in the Dhaka district, where much of the nation's garment industry is located.
John Sifton, the group's Asia advocacy director, also noted that none of the factories in the Rana Plaza were unionized, and that had they been, workers would have been in a better position to refuse to enter the building Wednesday.
AP writers Muneeza Naqvi and Tim Sullivan in New Delhi, Stephen Wright in Bangkok, Kay Johnson in Mumbai, Matthew Pennington in Washington and AP Retail Writer Anne D'Innocenzio in New York contributed to this report.
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Shale gas in the UK could help secure domestic energy supplies but may not bring down prices, MPs report.
The US boom in shale gas has brought energy prices tumbling and revitalised heavy industry, but the Energy and Climate Change Committee warns conditions are different in Britain.
The MPs say the UK's shale gas developers will face technological uncertainties with different geology.
And public opinion may also be more sceptical, they add.
The UK is a more densely populated landscape and shale gas operations will be closer to settlements as a consequence.
'Cash sweeteners'The MPs believe operators will have to overcome potentially tighter regulations.
What is more, the extent of recoverable resources in the UK is also unknown, so the report concludes that it is too soon to say whether shale gas will achieve US-style levels of success.
Continue reading the main storyEnd Quote Tony Bosworth Friends of the EarthFracking is dirty and unnecessary - it's little wonder so many communities are in opposition?
The MPs argue that this means the Treasury cannot afford to base the UK?s energy strategy on the expectation of cheap British shale gas.
They urge the government to stop "dithering" over energy policy, though, and to ensure there is a system to rebut what "scare stories" may arise over the environmental impacts of shale gas.
And they applaud the government's decision to offer cash sweeteners to people near shale gas facilities.
Success with shale gas will reduce dependence on imports and increase tax revenues, they say, but there is a downside: if it takes off, shale gas will shatter the UK's statutory climate change targets unless the government moves much faster with carbon capture and storage technology.
Tim Yeo, chairman of the Energy and Climate Change Committee, said: "It is still too soon to call whether shale gas will provide the silver bullet needed to solve our energy problems.
"Although the US shale gas has seen a dramatic fall in domestic gas prices, a similar 'revolution' here is not certain."
Tony Bosworth, from Friends of the Earth, responded: "This does little to back the case for a UK shale gas revolution.
"Fracking is dirty and unnecessary ? it's little wonder so many communities are in opposition. We should be building an affordable power system based on our abundant clean energy from the wind, waves and sun.?
'Front and centre'And Jenny Banks from WWF-UK said: "It's simply impossible to keep global warming below 2C and burn all known fossil fuel reserves ? let alone exploit unconventional reserves like shale gas.
"In other words, the climate impacts of new fossil fuel developments must be front and centre of any decision on shale gas, not a secondary concern."
But the government's chief energy scientist, David MacKay, has warned that the UK would need to increase its nuclear fleet four-fold or its wind energy 20-fold to decarbonise heavy industry.
Both these options appear improbable, so government will most likely continue to afford gas a prominent role in its energy strategy.
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A good way to promote a business is through video marketing. To use this method properly, you must research thoroughly. The article below contains tips and tricks to use when beginning your video marketing campaign.
When it comes to video marketing, the early bird always wins. Therefore, it?s vital that you respond first to a newsworthy event. This will help you get more views on your video, and ultimately more customers. Develop a feel for what items are newsworthy.
Your best bet for creating a successful video clip is to aim for short and sweet. Most people don?t have the attention span to sit there waiting to get what they?re looking for. If you do have to make a longer video, break it up into separate sections, which is easier to digest for the viewer.
TIP! Include a screenshot of your website in your video. This lets viewers see how the site is formatted.
Video marketing is nothing to fear. It?s possible to create effective, appealing videos without A-list stars and pricey equipment, a tripod and camera are sufficient. You can use the recording time to demonstrate your manufacturing process to the audience or sit there and demonstrate a particular product or service.
You should make as many videos as you can. New videos should be posted regularly so that your customers will expect new content from you. That means you also have wide exposure among new people who may happen upon your individual videos.
Video marketing gives you a way to keep in contact with your audience. Request that clients ask you questions then respond in video form. Offer deals or prizes to anyone whose question is answered in the video.
TIP! One tip that works well for new video marketers is to think of a great title for your videos. Viewers will be drawn to your videos if they see interesting or relevant titles.
You can edit your videos when they are placed on YouTube so you should use this to your advantage. For example, you can annotate your video. Take advantage of this feature by including links, promotional offers and appealing coupon codes that are relevant to the product or service you are marketing.
Give your customers some awesome content and your video may go viral. It doesn?t require a fantastic camera to get viewed by millions of people. In most cases, the only thing needed to entice an online user to watch your video is an indication that it can offer valuable insight or solutions. Purchase the best quality video camera you can comfortably afford to produce your video content.
Keep your videos relatively short: no more than 10 or 20 minutes. You may need all of that time if you are showing your audience how a certain product works. If you?re just updating folks, do it in 10 minutes or less.
TIP! If product promotion is something you need, video marketing can be a helpful conduit. Visual learners will appreciate the opportunity to see a product in use.
Make sure your videos have been optimized. Whenever you upload videos to different sites, make sure each video has a different title and description. You should put keywords in there, as well. Include your contact information with each video post to ensure your visitors can easily contact you.
Spending a lot of money and time on a video does not mean it will yield better results. High production values don?t necessarily translate to good returns. A lot of popular companies have used simple video to reap marketing gold.
TIP! Video marketing is characterized by the short period in which you must grab the attention of viewers. The 15 seconds that start your video must count.
As mentioned at the start of this article, a great way to get your business and/or products known is by using video marketing. However, you have to know what to do. Put the tips from this article to good use to be successful with video marketing.
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