Saturday, November 10, 2012

Archery, a sport many have forgotten - Cruz Angelo7151's blog

By Bob Mackie, Mackie?s Mountain Archery

Have you ever considered archery as an activity for our youth? As far back in recorded history as we can go, the bow and arrow have been used as a tool to provide food for survival, protection against those who would do us harm, and for warfare and recreational sport.


Still today those who choose to hunt use archery equipment, but more importantly it is used for recreation and sport by so many. It is an activity that has very few physical limitations. Young and old, able bodied and special needs persons can receive the satisfaction of sending an arrow down range and hitting the mark. It can be extremely competitive or a person can strive for their personal best. Archery has many different avenues a prospective archer can take. A person can compete locally, provincially, nationally or internationally and archery is even an Olympic sport. Competition is offered in many different categories, separated by age, sex, equipment and type of tournament such as Target, Field, 900 round or 3D.


My father was an outdoorsman and I was involved in the shooting sports most of my young life. After I was married and started to raise a family, I found my son chose not participate in the more popular sports that are common in our community, and at 13 idol hands were not a good thing for a young boy. I purchased a bow and searched out an archery club, and archery became a weekly activity for father and son. Shortly after, we joined the Ontario Association of Archers, and traveled throughout Ontario, while also visiting some northern U.S. clubs. There was something to do or some place to go every weekend and it kept him busy for a number of years until girls and cars came along. As an adult my son became a competitive archer who was very hard to beat.


In 1999 I purchased a rural property because I was having some health issues. In 2002, I open Mackie?s Mountain Archery as a small retail business and an outdoor archery range. In 2005 I added two portable classrooms that provided an indoor range for use as a place to participate in our activity of choice year round. It was then that my business changed and morphed into a truly satisfying retirement activity. I now provide a place where youth and adults with acquired brain injuries can enjoy this ancient sport. It helps with their hand-eye coordination, muscle strength and it gets them out in the community.


Who uses archery for recreation? You would be surprised at who you would bump into at an archery range. Aside from the schools, Scouts, Cadets, Beavers, 4H, churches, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons and entire families that use Mackie?s Archery Range, you will see police officers, doctors, lawyers, firemen, scientists, and a whole lot of young people. Archery can be as relaxing or as intense as you want it to be. It can be a social activity or be very private and personal, your choice. Some of my clients have described archery as elegant, relaxing, satisfying and challenging. It is one sport that you will never master completely and can be humbling. Some days you will love it and some days you will hate it. The challenge will always be there.


Since the 2002 open, Mackie?s Mountain Archery has introduced over a thousand new archers to the sport. My main focus is to provide recreation and training the entire community. Depending on the individual, people can get started as young a four years of age.




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